Sunday, February 26, 2023

Organic Farming and Waste Management


Hope you all are good, Today we will share some vibes about organic farming.

On 23rd Feb 2023, we visited a village called Raynal to visit a family that cultivates some different breeds organically so-called culturally.

Before we want to say that first, you all need to understand, what organic farming is?

Let’s talk about organic farming. 
  • This is an agricultural system that utilizes green manure, compost, biological pest control, and crop rotation to produce crops, livestock, and poultry. 
  • It’s a system that cultivates resources to conserve biodiversity and support ecological balance. 
  • Some of the primary aspects of organic farming are to augment the soil’s biological activity, enhance the fertility of the soil, and use green manure, cover crops, animal manure, and soil rotation to disturb the habitation of pests and diseases.
  •  Synthetic chemical fertilizers, antibiotics, herbicides, or pesticides aren’t used in organic farming.
  •  Organic farming aims to manage agricultural production in the best natural way. Organic farming contributes added protection to the soil, which is crucial for exceptional productivity.
Let's discuss what we have seen there,

cultivated crops

They grow different crops using natural fertilizers like compost fertilizer.

Collected Compost

Compost is a carbon-rich fertilizer derived from organic materials, including livestock manures, and other organic materials or mixed materials used to supply soil nutrients. Compost is used to improve soil structure through the addition of carbon and provide plant nutrients.
Firstly they collect dung, and other domestic animals like cows, goats, and sheep are also a waste of plants.
Step 1: Add waste to a container 

     Add waste like dung, and other domestic animals like cows, goats, and sheep are also a waste of plants to a container. 

Step 2:Add the browns

    Arrange for the browns like dry shredded leaves, sawdust, or cocopeat to control the moisture and add them to the wet garbage.

Step 3:Arrange the microbes 

      Arrange for microbes to break down the wet waste. Either get microbes from semi-done compost or generate a fresh patch by adding cow dung. they also add buttermilk to kickstart the microbial colony.

Step 5: Layering 
container to store waste to prepare the compost

  • They also maintain livestock, cattle, etc

  • They also cultivate some vegetables like tomatoes, radishes, brinjal, leafy vegetables, etc 
Radish, Brinjal, Leafy Vegetables


This family uses the whole waste caused by cultivation like husks of paddy, cowpea, corn, etc

They also use cow dung as fertilizer as we all discuss in the above points and for other work

In this vibe, we feel that we too buy a field and start farming, if you guys feel the same then comment your opinion below👇

           "Thank you have a good 😊" 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Travel blog

On 24th December we went to Hampi which was “The land of Mystery

Here we are going to share our experience about this small trip and also it was our 1st trip in engineering. 

Traveling is an experience that lasts a lifetime. It not only enriches our personality but also opens up new channels of thought and perspectives. It is about interacting with the natives, understanding their practices traditions, and learning.



Many foreign travelers have significant information regarding Vijayanagara's economic, cultural, political, and social life. The 1st European visitor to Vijayanagara Nicola Conti(1421-22) gives a vivid account of the city of Vijayanagara, its court, customs, currency, festivals, and other matters. 
Abdul Razza says that "The city of Vijayanagara is such, that the Pupil of the eye, has never seen a place like it. And the Ear of Intelligence has never been informed that there existed anything - equal to it in the world." 

The Varaha the board and Avatar of lord Vishnu was the Rajalanchana or state emblem of the Vijayanagara empire above the head of the boar the moon image in the form of a crescent and dagger.

State emblem

The most popular ruler of the erstwhile Vijayanagara empire  Krishnadevaraya was the third ruler of the Tuluwa dynasty. 

Krishnadevaraya was born to Ngaladevi and Tuluwa Parasanayaka, he ascended the throne in 1509 he was crowned during the turbulent times and spent the first few years of his Reign battling and different consolidating the known as a successful Soldier and very good administrator Krishnadevaraya was an ambitious king. 

Krishnadevaraya encouraged literature, music, art, architecture, and other cultural forms and also he was proficient in Sanskrit, Kannada, and Telugu and a work of poetry called 'Amuktamalyad' in Telugu.

The rare qualities of Krishnadevaraya inspired the coinage of many epithets to praise him Vyasaraya, Purandaradasa, and Kanakadasa lived in his time. 

 Hampi- Where stones tell stories in silence 

Pampa Kshetra-Hampi

Hampi in the Deccan plateau located strategically on the bank of Tungabhadra and surrounded by the Rocky Hill ranges also aptly called the city curved in stone is an outstanding location of the natural landscape and archaeological remains the ruins of  Hampi lie scattered in an approximately 26sqr km area. The structures at Hampi consist of different religious and secular architecture.

Talarighatta gate 

Talarighatta gate

Talarighatta gate was one of the main entrance points into the urban center of the capital from the riverside this largely damaged structure still maintains its original intent as a gateway on the main road. It is possible to reach the top area of this gateway from the top traces of the extending fortifications are visible.

Virupaksha Temple

Virupaksha temple

The oldest shrine still in active worship the Virupaksha Temple is consecrated to Lord Shiva as the consort of Pampa.

Sangama dynasty transformed the shrine into a major religious monument the Tulu greatly extended the Virupaksha temple.

This temple has 3 towers, The bigger one the Eastern Tower Rises to a height of 160  feet and 9 tiered it dates back to the first half of the 15th century and was renovated in the 16th century by Krishnadevaraya.

The inner parkara consists of shrines and pillars dating back to the 12th century, the presiding deity here is Virupaksheshwara or Pampapathi.

Lakshminarasimha Temple 

Lakshminarasimha temple

Midway through the main road, an unpaired path leads to the Lakshmi Narasimha statue. It is one of the most imposing sculptures found in the ruined town of Hampi. 

The gigantic monolithic statues and the temple housing the statue were built in the year 1528-80, it was first constructed by Krishnabhat during the rule of Krishnadevaraya. The rare 6.7 meter-sized statue crafted with great details has a finely chiseled broad chest The sculpture portrays Narasimha sitting on the calls of Adishesha the king of all snakes, which erases behind him with its 7-hoods.

It has a lion mask set above the hoods of the Adishesha, the hoods have been beautifully designed to serve as a canopy.

Adjacent to the statue of Narasimha is a small stone chamber with a single opening a no ceiling. Inside is the shiva linga constantly immersed in a water bed. The beautiful monolithic linga of 3 meters in height is made of black stone.

Monolithic Shivalinga

Queen's Bath

Rani Snana Gruha

Queen's Bath located close to the Royal enclosure, is a colossal bath that exemplifies the Architectural excellence prevalent during the days of the Vijayanagara empire believed to be constructed by Achhutraaya for the woman royal family tough named 'Queen's bath', it was in all probability as a private bathing chamber. Queen's bath is an elaborate structure with a simple exterior and ornate interior built in the Indo-Islamic style of architecture, the rectangular building has an area of 30sqrmt, and the bath is surrounded by beautiful arched corridors having pillars and projecting ornate balconies with windows.

Anjanadri Hills

Anjanadri Betta

Located at a distance of about 5km from the historical site of Hampi surrounded by lovely plantain and paddy fields is the Anjandri hills or Anjani parvat considered to be the site of the Monkey kingdom Kishkinda mentioned in the epic Ramayana, it is believed that Lord Hanuman was born at this place.
View from the hilltop marvelous the rugged rocky mountains, the mighty Tungabhadra river, and the patches of paddy fields looked like a solved jigsaw puzzle.

"This isn't complete the story Hampi rocks if you need to know then visit Hampi once in your life each and every wall of those monuments tell the story of the glory of the Vijayanagara empire."

So pack your bags and head to the Land Of Mystery for an adventure packed, and soul-stirring journey awaits you!!!!!!!!  

Thankyou have a great day 😊


Food blog

 FOOD BLOG Hello Guys, Hope you all are doing good, Today we will share our food walk review on café blue door. On 01 st April 2023, we v...